Benefits for sellers

  • No fees or commissions from seller
  • Price decided by the seller
  • 24x7 Securiy and comprehensive insurance for vehicle on display
  • Free online advertising and promotions for the vehicle by Central Finance
  • Trade-in option for selected vehicles

Vehicle buyers can avail themselves to a variety of attractive benefits such as access to a wide range of vehicles, trade-in options for selected vehicles, competitive pricing and lower interest rates. Additional advantages include access to leasing and insurance services all under one roof.

Benefits for Buyers

  • Range of vehicles to choose from
  • Facilities such as Leasing and Insurance under one roof
  • Trading option for selected vehicles
  • Competitive vehicle prices
  • Lower interest rates

Vehicle buyers can avail themselves to a variety of attractive benefits such as access to a wide range of vehicles, trade-in options for selected vehicles, competitive pricing and lower interest rates. Additional advantages include access to leasing and insurance services all under one roof.

Malabe Outlet

වාහන නොමැත.

Nittambuwa Outlet

වාහන නොමැත.
Locations Addresss Google maps link Sales Officer Mobile Br. Phone
Malabe No.418, Athurigiriya Rd, Malabe cig3JiTG8Hv Lahiru 0707607651 0114504605
Nittabuwa No.43, Kandy Rd,Nittambuwa evZ5secPR572 Lasantha 0707607653 0334200100